Kamis, 29 September 2011

What is Friend ?

As you know, live without friends is terrible difficult for us. Could you imagine that you make a joke in front of the mirror and laugh alone after hearing it? That’s ridiculous I think. As human, we can not life alone. We need someone who cares to us. Whatever s/he looks like. The important thing is s/he always stands next to us and always prepares to solve our problems even we fall to a worst condition.

          So, DON’T FEEL bored to add friend in our life. Because life without friends looks like dove without wings. Although you have ever found someone and s/he became your friend but for the next steps s/he turn out to be wrong person in your life, just forgive him or her. Differences are blessing, not a cursing. Everybody has a right to choose their way to act or to do something. Thus, don’t slice your heart with their mistakes because that’s useless. Admirable human, is someone who have a golden heart to forgive the others.

          Next, what will we do if we had a trouble to make relationship? It is not about our ability to make a good communication, but it is about our spirit to keep endeavoring to make an opportunity to fight the challenge. You know, roses don’t grow up for a seconds. But they need time to grow and they have to face some hindrances day for day to blossom. So, just give some positive statements to your brain that you have so many special thing to know by the others. Beside that, DON’T FORGET to appreciate the job of everyone because with it they know that you are good people to get their pure smile.

written by : Mogit Rogedi

the power of Aquarius



January 20 to February 19 

This sign governs the legs of the Grand Man, or Microcosm. It is an aerial, sanguine, masculine, western, fixed, human, rational, speaking, obeying sign, the negative pole of the Air Triplicity. In its spiritual duality it is the sign of the Divine Sophia, the attributes being soul, memory, and diffusive knowledge. It governs the physical memory. The Sun enters the sign each year on or about the 20th of January and departs from it on or about the 19th of February. 

 The Sun on entering the sign should be given six days before coming into full touch and action with the influence of the sign. A person born between the dates of the 20th and 26th of January would not receive the full central results of the sign's individuality, as he would be born when the Sun was on the edge of the sign. This is known as the Cusp, and its nature and impulses partake of the sign the Sun has just passed through and out from, and the native will also partake of the attributes of the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located at the time of birth. 

PEOPLE born under this sign are said to be the strongest and the weakest people in the world. They are naturally endowed with great possibilities, which, when understood and appreciated, take them to supreme heights of strength and usefulness, and when ignored or unrecognized, cause them to be creatures of impulse and fluctuating desire, positively without equilibrium and blown about by every wind of doctrine. In the latter state they are those who constantly seek advice on the simplest subjects, and rarely ever take it; who ask questions with great humility and forget the answers. These persons are aware of possessing unusual power in certain directions, but they are so lazy and so deficient in the ability to concentrate, that these beautiful gifts are scattered and very frequently entirely lost.
Aquarius people are remarkable spiritual healers. Every human being born under this sign, possesses this genius, whether he is aware of it or not, and it can be brought into a beautiful and phenomenal use by a respectful and loving recognition. To learn to know opportunity and improve it, is the key to Aquarius, genius.
The Aquarius women are not so timid and so apprehensive of danger to those they love as Libra women, or so restless and fidgety as Gemini women, but they usually care more for the acquisition of property than these people, and are apt to be very nervous about their investments, the management of business, and the opinion and speech of people. 

Those born under this sign are generally very noble, honest, and kind-hearted, and are endowed with considerable natural discrimination. They are fair readers of character, and are not easily deceived by a pitiful tale. This mental and spiritual quickness makes them very apt in any study, any trade, or profession they may take up. It is hardly too much to say that Aquarius men and women who are even partially aware of their power, can succeed in almost any work they may decide to do. They are not rote students, but seem without any particular effort to absorb information from every source. They are always agreeable, and retain their dignity on all occasions. They are rarely passionate or quick tempered, but know how to resent an insult when one is offered. 

The Air people are some times unmanageable and not always logical, but they have a comprehension of spiritual cause and effect which is entirely above ordinary material syllogistic reasoning. This power the Aquarius people possess to a remarkable degree, which is the power of inspiration and divination. It is called the Power of the Holy Ghost. When the soul of an Aquarius person is once roused to work for righteousness, improvement is sure to be rapid, and a high spiritual development follows. 

All born under this sign have a gift of the spirit which, if they choose to recognize and use, is wonderful indeed. It is the magical ability of controlling insane people. When this fact is generally, as it is privately and scientifically recognized, nurses and guardians of these afflicted people will be chosen from those barn under this sign, and they will be carefully trained for the work. 

The eyes of the silent, quiet, Aquarius person have great hypnotic force, and when the light that shines forth is the light of the Spirit, the ability to heal seems almost superhuman. 

The general appearance of Aquarius people is that of a tall, fine, dignified, healthy, robust nature, with clear complexion. 

The truest friends and companions will be found among those born in Aries, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Aquarius and Libra people sometimes work together most harmoniously. 

heyroo, ega, chece, nita, iyra & mogit

These people represent the nerves and emotions of the Grand Man, hence are unusually sensitive. As they are the most powerful from a psychological standpoint, they should endeavor fully to comprehend their failings, which are fear, the habit of procrastination, and chronic promise-breaking proclivities. Vacillation and caprice are the despoilers of the genius of this sign.
The undeveloped Aquarius individual is sometimes a great braggart and very tiresome in calling attention to aristocracy and pedigree. Their people are the only people on earth, and their friends the ones who are most entitled to attention and deference. They are very fond of titles, and of using in ordinary conversation the prefixes to the names of their intimates. There are some liars found among those born under this sign, but their falsehoods are seldom malicious, as they are barn of an overweaning desire to appear to the best advantage, and to raise their friends to a high pinnacle in the estimation of the world. These people usually care too much for personal appearance, and sometimes take great risks to procure for themselves the things they desire. They often bury their higher selves by means of a dogmatic materialism, and a routine of habit which leads to a gloomy and useless life. 

The diseases from which these people are most likely to suffer are rheumatism, pains in the head and feet, brain difficulties, low circulation, loss of vital heats, nervous diseases, ending in despondency and gloomy forebodings.
All these ailments, and every other known to man, can be entirely dominated, forever cast out, by those who realize that mind is the master, and the body the servant of the mind. 

The first step of development for those born under this sign is to overcome restlessness and anxiety, to seek only for good in all things, and to be careful not to condemn other people for that which they secretly do themselves. These people should determine to develop their rare gifts, for they are indeed rare and wonderful. They should fight laziness and indifference during every waking hour. They should make no engagements that they do not intend to keep, and they should keep those engagements they do make at the point of the bayonet, if need be. They should work to establish themselves in perfect independence of all outside influences. They should go for advice only to the sanctuary of the Temple of the Living God, which is within themselves, and where answers are always given to all earnest questions. They should strive with all their might against the power of external things, and never say with their lips the words which the heart contradicts.
Aquarius is the Captain of the Host, who might hold the sceptre of the world. Valuable beyond price are hope and trust. Precious beyond words is a life that has no broken prom ises. To a great soul everything is great. O Aquarius, if once you attain the Divine inbreathing with your mighty attuned will, you have only to lift your hands and the world will obey! Your greatest strength lies in triunity. Aquarius people, awake! Be no longer creatures of lost opportunities, of perpetual regrets for what might have been. 

The children of an Aquarius and Aries marriage are likely to be physically strong and robust, and the domestic relations harmonious, if both husband and wife have learned to overcome their faults.
The children of Aquarius and Sagittarius will be high-strung and fine-tempered, but less robust, and the domestic life will be likely to be interesting and full of surprises on account of the quick inspirations of these persons. It can safely be promised that there will be no monotony about it.
These conditions depend much upon whether the contracting parties are on the same plane of material and social life. 

These children must be taught punctuality and the necessity of keeping promises. They < are very easily swayed by those about them.
They are finely organized, and possess the faculty of pleasing; when opposed or unkindly treated they become cruel, relentless critics. They will meet honesty and frankness with honesty and frankness, and will prove loyal and faithful to every trust. Doubt them and they will doubt and deceive. They often say harsh things to those they love best, but these things come from the head and not from the heart. They have excellent memories, and by culture can become the most accurate psychometric readers. They should have few companions, and those who are faithful, and patient, and genial. As these children are exceedingly nervous and restless, they should be kept as quiet as possible. Many infants born under this sign have lost their lives by being kept close to a noisy machine-shop or manufactory. 

These little folks should not remain in school against their will, and this is true of all Air and Fire children. When they begin to droop, and dread the atmosphere of the school-room, and lessons become a haunting fear, they should be transferred to the country or allowed to spend most of the waking hours in amusement and outdoor recreation. 

The governing planets are Saturn and Uranus; the gems are sapphire, opal, and turquoise; and the astral colors are blue, pink, and Nile green. 


Watak Orang Capricorn


Orang yang berbintang Capricorn berada dibawah pengaruh planet SATURNUS. Orang yang dilahirkan di bawah pengaruh bintang ini, rata-rata memiliki sifat yang sabar, praktis, hemat, teratur hidupnya.

Manusia yang berbintang Capricorn ini rata-rata amat halus perasaannya, membuatnya mudah tersinggung, dia lebuh suka perut keroncongan daripada dihina orang, membenci orang yang tidak memiliki sikap sopan santun.

Selalu praktis dalam melakukan sesuatu, suka berterus-terang, manis budi, cukp berhati-hati. Tidak mudah dipengaruhi orang, tidak fanatik. Berani berspekulasi dan berkoran, tahan menderita. Bijaksana daloam melakukan sesuatu.

Dalam menjalankan tugas selalu bersungguh-sungguh, tanpa mengenal lelah. Cukup hemat dalam pengeluaran.

Pria Capricorn pada umumnya merupakan pekerja yang ulet, cukup bijaksana, hingga cukup banyak orang yang meminta bantuan di dalam memecahkan suatu persoalan. Kuat tekadnya, semakin banyak rintangan yang harus dihadapi, kian kuat menerjanganya.

Wanita Capricorn pada umumnya cukup bijaksana dalam mendidik anak, bila perlu bersikap keras demi kebaikan masa depan sang anak, cukup hemat, selalu menangani sendiri pekerjaan-pekerjaan di dalam rumah tangga..

Banyak orang-orang pandai yang berbintng Capricorn. Rata-rata setelah bertambah lanjut usia, akan tambah maju usahanya.


Orang Capricorn selalu mengharapkan penghargaan orng lainatas hasil karyanya, seandainya kurang dihargai orang, sikapnya amat murung, tak bergairah menjalankan tugasnya lagi.

Sering cemas menghadapi masa depan yang belum tentu terjadi seperti yang dikhawatirkan.semakin meningkat usianya, kian enggan untuk meraih keuntungan.

Walaupun pada dasarnya watak oarang Capricorn cukup sabar, tapi berhubung seringnya dia mengalami kepahitan hidup akibat ulah oran-orng di sekelilingnya, akhirnya membuatnya hilang kesabaran, berusaha mendobrak segala rintangan yang dibuat orang lain. Bahkan bila menganggap sikap orang lain sudah keterlaluan, dia siap membalasnyadengan carayang lebih keji lagi.

Kadang kala orang yang berbintang Capricorn kikir untuk kebutuhan sendiri, tapi terhadap orang lain dia royal. Sering ragu-ragu dalam menentukan sikap, membuat keuntungan yang sebenarnya sudah didepan mata, jadi hilang begitu saja.

Wanita Capricorn sering angin-anginan dalam bercinta, sebentar hangat, tapi dilain saat dingin. Sering mengenakan busana yang sudah ketinggalan mode.



The archaeological digs at the site extend to the street level of the 79 AD volcanic event; deeper digs in older parts of Pompeii and core samples of nearby drillings have exposed layers of jumbled sediment that suggest that the city had suffered from the volcano and other seismic events before then. Three sheets of sediment have been found on top of the lava that lies below the city and, mixed in with the sediment, archaeologists have found bits of animal bone, pottery shards and plants. Using carbon dating, the oldest layer has been dated to the 8th-6th centuries BC, about the time that the city was founded. The other two layers are separated from the other layers by well-developed soil layers or Roman pavement and were laid in the 4th century BC and 2nd century BC. It is theorized that the layers of jumbled sediment were created by large landslides, perhaps triggered by extended rainfall.[3]
The town was founded around the 7th-6th century BC by the Osci or Oscans, a people of central Italy, on what was an important crossroad between Cumae, Nola and Stabiae. It had already been used as a safe port by Greek and Phoenician sailors. According to Strabo, Pompeii was also captured by the Etruscans, and in fact recent excavations have shown the presence of Etruscan inscriptions and a 6th century BC necropolis. Pompeii was captured for the first time by the Greek colony of Cumae, allied with Syracuse, between 525 and 474 BC.
In the 5th century BC, the Samnites conquered it (and all the other towns of Campania); the new rulers imposed their architecture and enlarged the town. After the Samnite Wars (4th century BC), Pompeii was forced to accept the status of socium of Rome, maintaining, however, linguistic and administrative autonomy. In the 4th century BC, it was fortified. Pompeii remained faithful to Rome during the Second Punic War.
Pompeii took part in the war that the towns of Campania initiated against Rome, but in 89 BC it was besieged by Sulla. Although the blunts of the Social League, headed by Lucius Cluentius, helped in resisting the Romans, in 80 BC Pompeii was forced to surrender after the conquest of Nola, culminating in many of Sulla's veterans being given land and property, while many of those who went against Rome were ousted from their homes. It became a Roman colony with the name of Colonia Cornelia Veneria Pompeianorum. The town became an important passage for goods that arrived by sea and had to be sent toward Rome or Southern Italy along the nearby Appian Way. Agriculture, water and wine production were also important.
It was fed with water by a spur from Aqua Augusta (Naples) built c. 20 BC by Agrippa; the main line supplied several other large towns, and finally the naval base at Misenum. The castellum in Pompeii is well preserved, and includes many interesting details of the distribution network and its controls.


Data of Choi Siwon

Choi Si-won (born February 10, 1987[1]), sometimes mononymously credited as Siwon, is a Korean pop singer and actor. He is a member of super boy band Super Junior and its subgroup, Super Junior-M, where he is known by his Chinese name Shiyuan (Chinese language: 始源, meaning "Origin"). Aside from Super Junior related activities, Siwon is a successful male model and actor. Siwon is best known for his role in the 2006 Hong Kong historical action film A Battle of Wits as young Prince Liang Shi, as well as the lead male in the Korean drama Oh My Lady! opposite actress Chae Rim and the data analyst and rookie elite agent from the 2010 spin-off to Iris (TV series), Athena: Goddess of War. Siwon can speak Korean, conversational Mandarin and English, very little Cantonese (Shown in his Hong Kong interview), as well as a little Japanese. He is also one of the first four Korean artists to be on Chinese postage stamps.[2]

Although Choi Siwon's registered birthday is February 10, 1987, he was actually born on April 7, 1986.[citation needed] Born in Seoul, South Korea, he was raised in an affluent, strict Protestant family.[citation needed] He was scouted by a talent agent when he was 16 as he was waiting for friends in front of his high school. He was recommended to audition for the Starlight Casting System to become an entertainer. Siwon's parents disapproved him pursuing in an entertainment career, so he had to secretly audition. He successfully passed auditions, and after consideration, his parents allowed him to sign under the talent agency SM Entertainment. Siwon said that although his father allowed him to sign the contract, he would not give any help to his son as he wanted his son to take responsibility in his actions.[3]
He later moved into dormitories with fellow trainees and he was trained in areas of singing, acting, and dancing. Siwon stated that SM Entertainment saw potential for him in acting, and thus gave him training in the field. He made his first appearance in a music video of The Grace's Dana when he was still a solo singer in 2003. A year after, he made a brief appearance in the short drama, Precious Family. In 2005, Siwon made a brief appearance in the KBS drama Eighteen, Twenty-Nine as the young Kang Bong-man.
On July 22, 2010, Siwon was appointed as a UNICEF envoy.

Not long after Siwon's first television appearance, SM Entertainment released an announcement that he would officially debut as one of the twelve members in a boy band. This band later became officially known as Super Junior 05, the first generation of the rotational music group Super Junior. A few months before the debut of Super Junior 05, Siwon made his first official media appearance with band mate Han Geng as one of the runway models in a fashion show by Bum Suk.
Super Junior 05 officially debuted on November 6, 2005 on SBS's music program Popular Songs, performing their first single, "TWINS (Knock Out)". Their debut performance attracted over 500 fans and also garnered oversea viewers from both China and Japan. A full studio album was released a month later, which debuted at #3 on the monthly MIAK K-pop album charts.[4]
In March 2006, SM Entertainment began to recruit new members for the next Super Junior generation. However, plans changed when the company added in a thirteenth member and the company declared a halt in forming future Super Junior generations. The group dropped the suffix "05" and became officially credited as Super Junior.[5] The re-polished group hit big after they released their first CD single "U" the following summer, which became Super Junior's most successful single in the music charts until the release of "Sorry, Sorry" in March 2009.

In late 2007, Siwon was put into Super Junior-M, the Chinese subgroup version of Super Junior. Super Junior-M is the first international music group in the Chinese music industry to have members of both Chinese and Korean descent, and brought an influence in the mainland music industry to produce multi-national music groups.[6] The subgroup specializes in singing Mandarin songs, including versions of Super Junior's Korean songs, bringing the K-pop influence over to the Chinese music industry. Super Junior-M is the first international music group in the Chinese music industry to have members of both Chinese and Korean descent. Not long after Super Junior-M's debut, they became one of the most celebrated boy-bands in China. The band's popularity skyrocketed further after their highly anticipated Mini-album, "Super Girl" was released on September 2009.Super Junior-M debuted in China on April 8, 2008 at the 8th Annual Music Chart Awards with the release of their first single music video, "U". The subgroup released their first Chinese-language studio album, Me, on May 2, 2008 to critical success. The album debuted on Taiwan's G-music combo charts as #2 and #1 on many of China's and Thailand's music charts.[7] Siwon also appeared in Girl's Generation music video "Hoot".
Siwon's fans are called The Siwonest, a play on words referring to Siwon's name translating into "cool," and can therefore be seen as "The Coolest."



Atlantis (in Greek, Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, "island of Atlas") is a legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written about 360 BC.
According to Plato, Atlantis was a naval power lying "in front of the Pillars of Hercules" that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune".
Scholars dispute whether and how much Plato's story or account was inspired by older traditions. In Critias, Critias claims that his accounts of ancient Athens and Atlantis stem from a visit to Egypt by the legendary Athenian lawgiver Solon in the 6th century BC. In Egypt, Solon met a priest of Sais, who translated the history of ancient Athens and Atlantis, recorded on papyri in Egyptian hieroglyphs, into Greek. Some scholars argue Plato drew upon memories of past events such as the Thera eruption or the Trojan War, while others insist that he took inspiration from contemporary events like the destruction of Helike in 373 BC[1] or the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415–413 BC.
A later account by Plutarch attests that Solon met with "Psenophis of Heliopolis, and Sonchis of Sais, the most learned of all the priests."[2][3] Both Plato and Plutarch refer to events that would have happened several centuries prior to their writing.
The possible existence of a genuine Atlantis was discussed throughout classical antiquity, but it was usually rejected and occasionally parodied by later authors. Alan Cameron states: "It is only in modern times that people have taken the Atlantis story seriously; no one did so in antiquity".[4] The Timaeus remained known in a Latin rendition by Calcidius through the Middle Ages, and the allegorical aspect of Atlantis was taken up by Humanists in utopian works of several Renaissance writers, like Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis". Atlantis inspires today's literature, from science fiction to comic books to films. Its name has become a byword for any and all supposed advanced prehistoric lost civilizations.

Some ancient writers viewed Atlantis as fiction while others believed it was real.[15] The philosopher Crantor, a student of Plato's student Xenocrates, is often cited as an example of a writer who thought the story to be historical fact. His work, a commentary on Plato's Timaeus, is lost, but Proclus, a Neoplatonist of the fifth century AD, reports on it.[16] The passage in question has been represented in the modern literature either as claiming that Crantor actually visited Egypt, had conversations with priests, and saw hieroglyphs confirming the story or as claiming that he learned about them from other visitors to Egypt.[17] Proclus wrote
As for the whole of this account of the Atlanteans, some say that it is unadorned history, such as Crantor, the first commentator on Plato. Crantor also says that Plato's contemporaries used to criticize him jokingly for not being the inventor of his Republic but copying the institutions of the Egyptians. Plato took these critics seriously enough to assign to the Egyptians this story about the Athenians and Atlanteans, so as to make them say that the Athenians really once lived according to that system.
The next sentence is often translated "Crantor adds, that this is testified by the prophets of the Egyptians, who assert that these particulars [which are narrated by Plato] are written on pillars which are still preserved." But in the original, the sentence starts not with the name Crantor but with the ambiguous He, and whether this referred to Crantor or to Plato is the subject of considerable debate. Proponents of both Atlantis as a myth and Atlantis as history have argued that the word refers to Crantor.[18] Alan Cameron, however, argues that it should be interpreted as referring to Plato, and that when Proclus writes that "we must bear in mind concerning this whole feat of the Athenians, that it is neither a mere myth nor unadorned history, although some take it as history and others as myth", he is treating "Crantor's view as mere personal opinion, nothing more; in fact he first quotes and then dismisses it as representing one of the two unacceptable extremes".[19] Cameron also points out that whether he refers to Plato or to Crantor, the statement does not support conclusions such as Otto Muck's "Crantor came to Sais and saw there in the temple of Neith the column, completely covered with hieroglyphs, on which the history of Atlantis was recorded. Scholars translated it for him, and he testified that their account fully agreed with Plato's account of Atlantis" or J. V. Luce's suggestion that Crantor sent "a special enquiry to Egypt" and that he may simply be referring to Plato's own claims.[19]
Another passage from Proclus' commentary on the Timaeus gives a description of the geography of Atlantis:
That an island of such nature and size once existed is evident from what is said by certain authors who investigated the things around the outer sea. For according to them, there were seven islands in that sea in their time, sacred to Persephone, and also three others of enormous size, one of which was sacred to Hades, another to Ammon, and another one between them to Poseidon, the extent of which was a thousand stadia [200 km]; and the inhabitants of it—they add—preserved the remembrance from their ancestors of the immeasurably large island of Atlantis which had really existed there and which for many ages had reigned over all islands in the Atlantic sea and which itself had like-wise been sacred to Poseidon. Now these things Marcellus has written in his Aethiopica".[20]
Marcellus remains unidentified.
Other ancient historians and philosophers believing in the existence of Atlantis were Strabo and Posidonius.[21]
Plato's account of Atlantis may have also inspired parodic imitation: writing only a few decades after the Timaeus and Critias, the historian Theopompus of Chios wrote of a land beyond the ocean known as Meropis. This description was included in Book 8 of his voluminous Philippica, which contains a dialogue between King Midas and Silenus, a companion of Dionysus. Silenus describes the Meropids, a race of men who grow to twice normal size, and inhabit two cities on the island of Meropis (Cos?): Eusebes (Εὐσεβής, "Pious-town") and Machimos (Μάχιμος, "Fighting-town"). He also reports that an army of ten million soldiers crossed the ocean to conquer Hyperborea, but abandoned this proposal when they realized that the Hyperboreans were the luckiest people on earth. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath has argued that these and other details of Silenus' story are meant as imitation and exaggeration of the Atlantis story, for the purpose of exposing Plato's ideas to ridicule.[22]
Zoticus, a Neoplatonist philosopher of the 3rd century AD, wrote an epic poem based on Plato's account of Atlantis.[23]
The 4th century historian Ammianus Marcellinus, relying on a lost work by Timagenes, a historian writing in the 1st century BC, writes that the Druids of Gaul said that part of the inhabitants of Gaul had migrated there from distant islands. Some have understood Ammianus's testimony as a claim that at the time of Atlantis's actual sinking into the sea, its inhabitants fled to western Europe; but Ammianus in fact says that “the Drasidae (Druids) recall that a part of the population is indigenous but others also migrated in from islands and lands beyond the Rhine" (Res Gestae 15.9), an indication that the immigrants came to Gaul from the north (Britain, the Netherlands or Germany), not from a theorized location in the Atlantic Ocean to the south-west.[24] Instead, the Celts that dwelled along the ocean were reported to venerate twin gods (Dioscori) that appeared to them coming from that ocean.[25]
