Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Mata adalah Jendela Jiwa

Hampir di setiap kebijakan agama dan budaya, MATA adalah salah satu modalitas manusia yang memiliki kekuatan luar biasa.
Dalam kacamata hipnoterapi, mata adalah juga salah satu pintu masuk ke dalam pikiran manusia, yang lebih akrab disebut faktor VISUAL. Maksudnya sebuah cara pandang melalui kekuatan visual manusia (red; penglihatan).

Pada kesempatan ini, saya hendak mengangkat satu fenomena unik mengenai visual atau mata kita.
Dalam pengalaman perjalanan thailand quantum transformation, pada satu kesempatan saya dan teman-teman dimasukkan ke sebuah pasar tradisional thailand. Semuanya mungkin ada di tempat ini.

Tugas buat kami sederhana saja, apa itu? Kami diminta HANYA melihat apa saja yang inspiratif. Uniknya, yang terjadi adalah apa yang inspiratif itu pertama-tama bukan berasal dari subyek barang yang dilihat, tetapi justru dari PIKIRAN masing-masing. Tiap orang punya ukuran sendiri atas apa yang inspiratif itu.

Ada yang suka barang A, yang lain barang B, yang lain C dst. Semua direkam di kamera masing-masing dan dilaporkan.

Lihatlah; ternyata MATA adalah jendela bagi pikiran saat berjumpa dengan realitas. Benar apa yang dikatakan mas NSK.Nugroho (artikel; jangan tertipu oleh pikiranmu sendiri), melihat realitas itu tergantung pikiran kita. Realitas mau inspiratif atau tidak, mau negatif atau positif tetap tergantung pada pikiranmu, pada jiwamu dan pada hatimu. Atau tergantung pada sikapmu atas realitas itu.

Mata adalah jendela jiwa. Apakah ini bisa membuktikan bahwa cara padang kita atas realitas tergantung dari isi pikiran dan jiwa kita? Jawabnya TEPAT sekali. Saat pikiran (mind) bisa memaknai sesuatu itu positif, maka apapun itu anda bisa mengalaminya positif. Dan sebaliknya apabila cara pandang negatif, maka sesuatu negatif bisa terjadi.
Pintar-pintarlah memanage pikiran, mind ataupun jiwa kita. Doa adalah sarana paling ampuh untuk memurnikan isi pikiran ini. Doa sarana ampuh memurnikan jiwa ini. Dan doa adalah sarana ampuh mensugesti secara positif keterbukaan hati.

Life is beautiful as you make it.

Apapun di luar tergantung bagaimana cara anda memandang. Dan MATA adalah jendela untuk itu. Merawat mata, adalah juga merawat pikiran anda.

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Ten Principles of True Friendship

The essence of friendship and getting along with people is to cultivate the ability of putting yourself in their place, and acting accordingly. Friendship is reciprocal. To be liked, one must be ready to make himself likable. That is why Epicurus, the great philosopher said, “Of all the means to insure happiness throughout the whole of life by far the most important is the acquisition of friends.”

What is friendship these days? Modern busy life hardly leaves room for friends. In the modern societies which are turning more and more consumerist and selfish, values of life seem to change faster than the latest model of cell phones. It has become very hard to find true friends who can share everything confidentially.

Ten necessary principles of friendship

1) Proper understanding is the kernel of real friendship. Hence the first principle of friendship is to understand and make others feel important. Since everybody in the world wants to be treated important, you have to be generous with praise and recognition of their accomplishments.

2) On your part, be amicable and congenial to others. Always arguing or striking up a quarrel on the least excuse may irritate any friendship and cause a deathblow to friendship. Listen to others and encourage them to talk about themselves.

3) Try to look at friendship positively and appreciate others. Make them feel comfortable with your friendship so that they enjoy your appreciation, advice and help. Let them experience that they are important to you.

4) Friendship should not be just a lip service. It should be real and fostered in heart. Selfish motivated friendships will dwindle and disappear very soon. Try to understand your friend’s mind, his likes and dislikes, and his moods. Try to adjust yourself, though you do not have to tolerate any undesirable attitude. Tolerance is one of the foundations upon which friendship is built, as no one is absolutely perfect.

5) Be careful about your words. . The habit of talking carelessly, of not being able to keep a secret, is at the root of friendships breaking up.

6) They should be reliable and faithful. Never give way to any suspicion and keep your word, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be. They should be assured of your faithfulness. They should realize that you will go to any lengths to keep your promise.

7) Do not desert and betray your friend in any situation especially in their adversities. Betrayal is the death blow to any friendship and shatters friendship. Never be carried away by the gossip mongers’ false tales.

8) Thiruvalluvar, a famous South Indian saint poet, says about the greatness of friendship, “Friendship should be timely like the hand protecting ones shame when the towel slips from the loin.” Stand by your friend in his anxieties and adversities. Try to help your friends in as many ways as possible. Let them feel that they have some one who cares them really.

9) Friendship should not be a mere flattery. Some people do not like their mistakes to be criticized, as it gives them a sense of inferiority. It is the duty of a friend to correct him properly whenever he goes out of track..

10) Do not forget that only constructive criticism can be of much help, provided it is appreciated and accepted. They should not taken as a wounding remark. Always try to share a common interest with your friend. Sharing serves as a bond, and also acts as the motivation for many shared activities. Many friendships spring up on a playing field, in an art gallery, or in places which cater to common interests.

8 Advantages of Studying English

It is little wonder that so many students, both international and local, choose to study English courses. Proficient and skilled use of the English language can enhance career prospects, allow you to achieve success in business and can open up many opportunities when you choose to study with a credible English school.
While there are many good reasons to study English, here we provide an overview of eight of the most important advantages of studying English:
#1: Without question, English is one of the most widely spoken languages. English is used in many parts of the world and is often the language that is common to people who have a first language other than English.

#2: When it comes to business and matters of trade, the English language tends to be the common currency. By studying English through a respected English school, you can expect to be able to conduct business transactions, write and respond to documents such as: emails, memos, contracts, agreements and reports and possibly pursue a career in business.
#3: Arguably the greatest advantage of studying English is that your career prospects and employment opportunities can vastly increase. People who can speak English fluently (possibly together with a first language) are highly sought after by companies of many types, including international companies. When seeking work, proficiency and confidence in speaking and understanding English can put you at a distinct advantage.
#4: With the world becoming so much closer and more connected, opportunities to travel and explore different parts of the world are more available and, as a result of having studied English, travellers are better able to communicate. In so many parts of the world, English is the common language that is spoken and when you have a command of the English language, travelling and interacting with people of different nationalities can become easier and more enjoyable.
#5: In terms of academia, English is the language most commonly spoken by academics worldwide. Of course, some important research and work occurs in all countries and in a variety of languages, but the vast majority tends to have been conducted, composed and published with the English language as its basis. Academics and scholars that have some knowledge of English frequently find that sharing their ideas and findings with their peers globally is more readily facilitated by their mastery of the English language.
#6: Technology is vital and significant in the day and age in which we live. English is very often the language used for many software programs and for those that are technologically minded and ambitious, the study of English can provide them with useful benefits and knowledge.
#7: Australia has many English schools that are renowned for their success in teaching students’ English and the quality and range of the English courses that they provide. Successful English schools and colleges tend to offer great value for money and support structures to assist students to learn effectively and grow in knowledge, skills and confidence. When you do choose to study English, your education is an investment and it is incredibly important that you derive exceptional value for your money.
#8: English courses are available and specifically tailored for people of varying levels of English proficiency and for those who wish to study English for different purposes. For example, some may want to undertake a very general English course, whereas others may wish to study English in relation to business or for academic purposes.
Through the study of English, a range of advantages are available. Quality courses offer candidates the opportunity to improve job prospects, the capacity to communicate with others and access to information right across the world.